A research survey was conducted with organizations that currently has a heterogeneous application and API landscape. Objective was to understand the application, landscape, challenges, and strategies in API lifecycle management and its role and impact within organizations. Client is a leading provider of technology intelligence, industry analysis, market data, and strategic and tactical guidance around IT, telecommunications, and consumer technology segments.
Respondent Profile/Type:
· API Manager
· Application Manager
· Chief Digital Officers
· Leader who is responsible for DevOps
· Head, Software Development
· Hybrid/Online
· CATI/Telephonic
Sample Size: 125
LOI: 20-25 minutes
•The results were captured on client-hosted survey links and the data collected was shared in an excel format along with tabulations
•The research survey gathered details around API adoption trends and insights on how modern app architectures create new API management challenges. It also captured the key benefits of effective and adaptable API management which then helped to make recommendations around best practices for API lifecycle management of microservices-based apps.